
Satsunai Dai Agricultural Connection Report "Bar Han & Kinkan Daifuku Making (Cow Tour)"

This will be the seventh time the event has been held this year、さつませんだい農縁は 「バーハン&きんかん大福作り(牛の見学)」を祁答院にて開催しました【バーハン】とは? 一般的には山菜おこわのことで、It is called "Bahan" in the Gyeongin area。 It is said that it was the best hospitality when glutinous rice was a feast。 In the past, neighbors came to help with rice planting and harvesting ...

Satsunaidai Agricultural Connection Report "Shimenawa Making & Soba Pounding Experience"

Reiwa 5th year Satsunai Agricultural Relationship、6Held for the first time、 "Shimenawa making & soba noodle making experience" was held at Irai。 First of all, soba noodle making experience。 Both children and adults are curious about the first soba noodle making experience。 先生の話をよく聞いてから調理スタート! 粉をふるい、I'm going to knead it。 Under the guidance of a teacher、Roll out the dough。 …

Sweet potato farming report "Sticky potato making & baked sweet potato making (sweet potato digging experience)"

Reiwa 5th year Satsunai Agricultural Relationship、5This will be the first time the event has been held、 "Sticky potato making & baked sweet potato making (sweet potato digging experience)" was held in Togo。 At the time of planning the program、I was worried about whether I would be able to dig potatoes.、 There are a lot of potatoes that are just the right size.、芋掘り体験からスタート! 大きなお芋がたくさん!親子で楽しみました。 in a hurry、Radishes too...

Satsunai Agricultural Relationship Report "Norimaki(Takanamaki)Making & Sowing rape seeds > Fishing"

The 4th holding of the 5th year of Reiwa Satsunai Agricultural Relationship、 "Norimaki(Takanamaki)Making & sowing rape seeds & fishing" was held in Togo。 First of all, let's get together、Explain today's schedule and precautions。 子どもたちがとっても楽しみにしていた魚釣りがスタート! 最初は釣れないと言っていましたが、 After a while, you get the hang of it.、釣れるように! …

Satsunai Dai Agricultural Connection Report "Tokoroten Making & Photo Frame Making"

The third holding of the Reiwa 5th year Satsunai Agricultural Enen、 "Tokoroten making & photo frame making" was carried out in the west。 まずはフォトフレーム作り! 星型とハート型、Choose one of your favorite ones、 好きな色を選んで色塗り♪ それぞれ好きな模様にアレンジしていました! フォトフレームを乾かしている間に、Tokoroten making...

Sweet Rice Farm Report "Making Onion Dressing & Making Bamboo Water Guns & Somen Sinking"

The second holding of the Satsunai Agricultural Relationship in the 5th year of Reiwa、 "Making onion dressing & making bamboo water guns & somen noodles" was held in Togo。 まずはたまねぎドレッシング作り! 玉ねぎはみさよ会の皆さんが丹精込めて作ったものを使用して刻むところからスタート! お鍋でぐつぐつ煮込み、Bamboo water gun until the dressing cools...

I participated in "Kyanpaku" as a program implementer (3)

Satsumasennai City Expedi experience-based travel program "Kyanpaku"、Participate as a program implementer、川内地域ブロックの「デイキャンプに挑戦!~旬の夏野菜を収穫して手作りランチ~」を開催しました! デイキャンプのスタートはピザにトッピングする野菜の収穫から♪ 子供たちが少し緊張気味にハサミ入れて、I harvested various kinds of vegetables.。 Pizza is handmade from dough o(^▽^)o Departure...

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